Attention to Detail and Time Management Test
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The Attention to Detail and Time Management test assesses the ability to bring accuracy and organization to typical tasks at work.
Topics evaluated in this test include work-sample tasks, such as:
- Following instructions to ensure work is completed as specified.
- Identifying mistakes to maintain high standards of accuracy.
- Prioritizing tasks to optimize productivity and meet deadlines.
Roles such as administrative assistants, office managers, and project coordinators must pay attention to details and manage their time well to ensure precision in business operations.
Sample public questions
While training to be a workplace investigator, you are taught to read mirrored writing so you can read a suspect's monitor that is facing away from you when there is a window or mirror behind it. To test your skill, you are asked to compare a list of passwords to a list of mirrored images.
(Open full-size image in a new tab.)
Which of the passwords are the same as the mirrored images?
To improve communications, your company's CEO gives you a list of meetings she wants you to schedule between all possible combinations of herself, the CFO, the COO, and the CCO. You come up with your own list to compare with hers.
Based on your list, which meetings are missing, mistaken, or misspelled on the CEO's list?
You are covering for a coworker who is out on leave. Your coworker has left you a voicemail message specifying the tasks you will need to do for them.
Hi there! Thanks so much for covering for me. So, the main thing you need to do is complete the monthly revenues spreadsheet. You can do that by looking up the latest ad revenue in the reporting from marketing. Ok, so after you do all of that, go ahead and check my email and then my voicemail to see if there are any requests from the executives. If there are any such requests, do those first unless you have an emergency request from another department. Once you’re done with fulfilling requests, please water my desk plant after you turn off the computer. Oh, wait, I should have mentioned a couple of things: you have to log in with manager access in order to see the marketing reports, and you'll need to send me an update email right after you finish handling the requests. OK, thanks again. This is a big help! I owe you lunch when I’m back.
Place the tasks in the correct order.
1st: _____________
2nd: _____________
3rd: _____________
4th: _____________
5th: _____________
6th: _____________
7th: _____________
8th: _____________
9th: _____________
10th: _____________
You need to schedule a critical meeting. You're available from 9:30am to 2:00pm.
Angela is available from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
Chris is available from 12pm to 4pm.
Everyone hates meeting during lunch but will if it's important.
When are all three of you available to start a one-hour meeting?
You have so many small tasks that you don't have enough time for your large project.
Which of the following tasks are good candidates for automation to save you time?
You are working as a social media manager for a company that has specific expectations of how you will perform your work.
Compare those expectations with how you actually spent your time last week.
Function | Hours Worked |
Customer Support | 10 |
Creative Design | 18 |
Managing Freelancers | 4 |
Marketing Analytics | 4 |
Other (Meetings, etc.) | 4 |
TOTAL | 40 |
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Document Organization, Event Booking, Project B, Reversed Accounts, Food Additive, Project Hours, Work to Finish, Company Rules, On Time Arrival, Daily Tasks, Sales Flights, Email Dictation, Seating Plan, Intern Design, Eye Color, Sunscreen Ingredients, Inventory Count, Contractor Fee, Image Toolbar, File Encryption, License Match, Hair Products, Busy Schedule, Whitepaper Estimate, Vacation Requests, Too Many Tasks, Brainstorming Session, Constant Change, Annual Report, Meeting Coordination, Text to Code, OCR Fail, Charity Check, Project Notes, Data Dilemma, Q TV, Cat Food CMS, Room Setup, Meal Reimbursement, Hand to Type, Name That Panel, Automatic Entries, Holiday Brochures.
Skills and topics tested
- Attention to Detail
- Alphabetical Order
- Following Instructions
- Time Management
- Finding Availability
- Scheduling
- Assigning Work
- Exact Match
- Verifying Data
- Basic Math
- Identifying Mistakes
- Optimization
- Travel Booking
- Proofreading
- Visual Attention
- Working with Time
- Spot the Difference
- Project Timeline
- Prioritization
- Vacation Policies
- The 4Ds
- Competing Schedules
- Reordering Tasks
- Multitasking
- Data Entry
- English Language
For job roles
- Accountant
- Administrative Assistant
- Executive Assistant
- Manager
- Project Coordinator
- Project Manager
- Secretary
- Statistician
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